College has been awarded grade ‘A’ for Cycle 2 of NAAC Accreditation.


OORJA - The Sports Society


Dr. Rajwant Singh



About the Society

Sport is one of the best activities that will give great results for any age. First, it helps to significantly improve health, including blood flow and overall physical endurance. Second, it helps make your body more flexible and responsive. In addition, sports help to improve brain function and are a great way to avoid many aging diseases. Since the game is a competition, it brings many possibilities and allows you to improve the ability to develop the right tactics and strategies. So, you can develop your organizational and decision-making skills by going to sports. Games and games teach you how to think and respond quickly to win your competition. Sport builds physical, social, and organizational skills by improving people’s ability to become part of a team and always move towards the main goal. All of these skills are beneficial in personal and professional life and should always be acquired.
With that in mind, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College has a sports community that focuses on various sports like cricket, football, chess, volleyball, etc. The Oorja community offers students the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports and recreational activities. All programs are based on student interest and are designed to enhance the student experience by creating an environment where students can come together in different groups to achieve common goals and objectives while promoting healthy lifestyles. Sports clubs provide a valuable learning experience through student involvement in fundraising, public relations, organization, management, budgeting, planning, teaching, and leadership development. The most successful and stable clubs have active members and dedicated
Glimpse of Some Events


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